Bay Laurel Tree

This is a small tree or large shrub and of course known to many as it is used for seasoning in several types of cuisine. The plants / trees like full sun & part shade within a well drained soil. The plant does not like to stand in water and get wet feet, but nor does it like to be completely dry. In colder climates, the plant can be used indoors as an ornamental container plant, but if kept indoors please be sure to give it access to lots of bright light.


They enjoy shady conditions and can therefore be indoors or in an outdoors shade area and they are easy-care plants. They do need shelter from frost and grow well in all climates with the exception of very cold and too dry.  Most bromeliads form a ‘well’ structure in their centre which is able to hold water. This structure acts as a reservoir which can help sustain them during dry periods. Whenever this well dries up, it’s time to water them again. Although bromeliads don’t necessarily need feeding, this ‘well’ is the place to apply fertilisers.

Citrus Tree

Please be sure to let us know if you request a lemon or lime tree. Citrus love full sun, so they are certainly for outdoors. Keeping citrus trimmed and in pots gives the advantage of being able to move the pots around for all year sun. They like to be well watered and when in pots they can fed every 6 or 8 weeks with fertiliser.

Cymbidium Orchid

We offer these in an orange / yellow colour or alternatively in a shade of pink. These orchids are relatively easy to take care of and very rewarding. They need light to flower, but they do not do all in direct hot sun, no sting winds or frost. They like a well lit, warm, bright and airy. They do require water all year round, with more water required in the warmer months. They like to be slightly moist and they always benefit from regular orchid feed.


Available in Pink / Red / White or Yellow. Full sun to part shade. They are hardy plants, best suited to the outdoors. In winter they may need a warm, light position.  They like to be kept moist, but not overwatered and are forgiving if neglected occasionally. Feeding will promote a healthy plant with lots of beautiful blooms.


Gardenias only come in white and their scent is captivating. Don’t let potted gardenias dry out between waterings. They do best in full sun / part shade, so ideally suited to the outdoors. The Gardenias thrive with regular feeding.


Availble in pink or blue. They are outdoor plants, but more south facing or dappled shade. In warmer months they need watering daily. They will flower better if given liquid plant food in the flowering season. They are resilient and can handle the windy, cooler, coastal climates. The soil ph will determine the colour of your blooms. More acidic soil results in blue flowers and more alkaline soil will give you the pinker / mauve blooms.

Philaenopsis Orchid (Moth Orchid)

Available in pink or white. The orchids do best in brightly lit warm spot out of direct sunlight. (try to keep away from glass window that can get cold overnight.) They do like to be watered regularly, but not too much water and they thrive in humidity. Regular feeding ensures a happy and productive orchid plant.

Olive Tree

The Olive tree is a tolerant, hardy plant and looks wonderful in an ornamental pot. They can be trimmed for topiary feature. They are normally kept outdoors, but have been known to be kept indoors in a very warm and light filled position. The tree requires sufficient soil moisture (especially in the flowering season,) but do not overwater. If you enrich the soil with some feeding then you are likely to produce better yields.

Peace Lily

Also known as the Madonna Lily. An easy-care plant that does well indoors. They like bright filtered light / part shade. (No direct sunlight.) Keep them moist, but the leaves will wilt to tell you they need a little more water. They can be fed annually with a controlled-release fertiliser.


This is a gorgeous red leaf plant and available mainly around the December festive periods. If taken care of, one can have these Ruby red leaves for many months following. 

Poinsettias will survive as an indoor plant in temperatures between 20-25 degrees as long as they are placed in a sunny spot in a north-facing position. While flowering, poinsettias require minimal care – just water it occasionally when the soil becomes dry. Do not let the plant stand in water. No Fertiliser required while flowering.

Christmas Tree (European)

These are the European traditional trees and if it has arrived in a small pot then it would do well to be repotted in a bigger pot after the festive season, in order to survive the long summer. Best kept in a cooler area; possibly shady with some morning sun. In the cooler months, you could move to warmer areas with full sun. Regular watering, good drainage & feeding will ensure that you hopefully have a bigger tree for the following year.